Thursday, May 6, 2010

Triathlon results!

Lake Louisa State Park triathlon sponsored by the National Training Center

Event distances:
.25 swim
7 mile bike
1.5 mile run

Time: 44:06

Bike computer data:
Distance: 6.87 miles
Top speed: 26.5 mph
Time: 24:16
Average speed: 16.8 mph

The way the event is set up, the racers are released in waves.
First the elite class was released.
Exactly one minute later they released the kids.
At the two minute mark they released the ladies.
Then at the three minute mark they released the guys.

When i crossed the finish line my time displayed 47:06.  I subtract the 3 minutes in delayed start and am left with my time of 44:06.  What place you cross the finish line is indifferent to what wave you started in. My place was 45th out of a loose guesstimation of 80-100 people total.  When I left the water in the last wave I was approximately 10 places from the very last person. ( water not being my strong suit.) Then I suppose I passed 25-45 people, some with 1 or 2 minute head starts, to reach 45th place.

Overall a fun successful event.  It definatly put me in my place on where I am in my training progress.

Next event: June 12th!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Triathlon Progress

Bike: 10.08 miles to Walmart and back

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Triathlon Progress

Bike: 8.4 Miles 14+ to : 18:11 from
Run: Excuses

Experimental Pictures

These are pictures taken on a trip to Wal-mart late one night.  The third is actually the bug zapper in Wal-mart