Friday, September 18, 2015

I like things that go booom!

There are few things in life as satisfying as griping a finely engineered collaboration of metals and sending volley after volley of high speed projectiles downrange at the target of your choosing.  Rather it has to do with wielding a contained explosion in your hands or the ultimate destruction at the target I can't quite say.  It's probably a combination of the two.

It only gets better when for every input of your finger you yield more than one response. If i'm being to enigmatic let me sum it up for you.

I'm talking about shooting full auto guns brutha!!!

It's something that Amber and I have always wanted to do and now we have thanks to Jesse and his friends from work who have quite a collection between them.

Amber and I are gun enthusiasts and conceal carry holders with a decent collection of practical and fun firearms but these guys are way out of our league. They have legitimate fully automatic rifles with class 3 documentation.  They brought two of their full autos this day including a real Uzi 9mm and an actual German MP40 9mm that was used in combat.  While not a real full auto they brought a ar15 chambered in 22lr with a bump fire stock.  It was an absolute blast to shoot!

It was a real treat and the staff at R&D Tactical in Ocala, FL have a top notch facility that we used.